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Improv Training for Buisness

A happy and productive business team requires trust and good communications skills between leadership and team members.  Soft skills like a Yes And attitude, active listening, and being present in the moment are all important skills taught through improv training that we provide.

We call it Applied Improvisation.


Whether you are a department looking to improve your trust and environment or a new leadership team looking to work on your lead by example skills, CSz Twin Cities can help.


We have brought our energy team building skills to companies like: 3M, Target, Cargill,  US Bank, General Mills, and many more.

Want to know more, or ready to book:

CSz Twin Cities has taught improvisational comedy in the area for more than twenty years.

Improv has incredible business applications that can benefit your workplace. That's why we provide different workshops that focus on:

  • Creativity

  • Teamwork

  • Leadership

  • Communication

  • Or a topic of your choice!

Wondering how improv training can help your employees? Check out these articles:

csz twin cities - comedysportz - improv comedy - team building - training - soft skills - bonding - virtual - minneapolis - st paul
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